Urban Dresden Neighbourhood Quilt Block
UPDATE: we have restocked these kits and have now chosen new fabrics, still keeping the urban theme and shades - the link below will take you to see this in our shop. This photo is a quick mock up of the updated colourway ( the kit, of course, includes plenty of fabric to make the windows and doors for all of the builings). xx
This has been the most fun project to work on.
Inspiration for the quilt
I was in Lancaster County in Autumn 2019 and went to an exhibition of small Dresden quilts, most of which were Dresden Neighbourhood designs. Some showing art deco styles, but most showing the local towns and villages, all had been personalised and some dating back to the early 20th century.
I went straight to a fabric store and bought 10 fabrics for this Urban landscape, which would be colours that I like to work with. I chose fabrics that had simple prints that gave the impression of architechtural textures..
I used simple fusible web applique to add the roofs, doors and windows and am still free to add embroidery. My project is uncompleted as I may make this into a larger wall hanging, but this video below gives simple instruction on how to complete the block.
The kit including the background square is available 8including the acrylic wedge ruler and costs just £20.
Urban Dresden quilt kit with ruler - £20
Video for basic instruction